Kädet kohotettuina pitämässä toisistaan kiinni


The Flaire project is implemented by a multidisciplinary research consortium, where researchers from the University of Oulu, the University of Helsinki, the University of Turku, Aalto University, and the Finnish Environment Institute are working together.

Puhekupla jonka sisällä on henkilön ääriviivat valkoista taustaa vasten. Asiantuntijat.

Oulun yliopiston tutkija Eva Pongracz

Eva Pongracz, professor, University of Oulu
projektin johtaja


Professor of energy systems and environmental engineering at the University of Oulu, faculty of technology. The topic of the research is energy transition and green transition, reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the energy system, smart houses and energy solutions, and consumption flexibility.

Heli Saarikoski, johtava tutkija, Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta

Heli Saarikoski, senior researcher, Finnish Environment Institute 
Vice-director of the project, Work package 6 leader


I research public participation and the co-production of knowledge in advancing sustainability transitions.

Venla Riekkinen,Projektin vuorovaikutusvastaava, Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta

Venla Riekkinen, Designer, Finnish Environment Institute
Interaction specialist of the project


My background is particularly in supporting municipal climate work through research, coordination, and communication. In the Flaire project, I am responsible for stakeholder collaboration and communication in partnership with other collaborators.

Oulun yliopiston tutkijatohtori ja projektikoordinaattori Ville Maliniemi

Ville Maliniemi, postdoctoral researcher, University of Oulu
Project coordinator


I am a postdoctoral researcher in energy and environmental engineering at the University of Oulu.

University of Oulu

Oulun yliopiston professori Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen

Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen, professor


Professor of Energy Economics at the Oulu Business School, University of Oulu, and at the Finnish Environment Institute. Research focuses on the functioning of energy markets, the impact of consumption flexibility on the electricity system, prices, and emissions, electricity market regulation, and issues related to consumer choices. 

Oulun yliopiston tutkijatohtori Sanna Tuomela

Sanna Tuomela, postdoctoral researcher


I study demand flexibility and digital solutions for energy communities, with a particular focus on user interaction with technology. Additionally, I am a coordinator in the 6GESS project, which applies 6G technology to energy and health solutions. 

Chao Ding, Energiatalouden väitöskirjatutkija Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulussa

Chao Ding, doctoral researcher


I am a PhD researcher in energy economics at the Oulu Business school, University of Oulu. I study household electricity consumption, with a particular focus on issues related to consumption flexibility.

Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun väitöskirjatutkija Hannu Huuki

Hannu Huuki, researcher 


PhD researcher at the Oulu Business school, University of Oulu

Finnish Environment Institute

Erikoistutkija Jani Lukkarinen Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta

Jani Lukkarinen, erikoistutkija
Work package 4 leader


As a senior researcher in sustainability transitions, I focus on environmental management issues ranging from household and neighborhood-level questions to challenges at the energy system and national levels. In my research, I utilize methods such as policy analysis, co-production of knowledge, and experimentation.

Erikoistutkija Enni Ruokamo Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta

Enni Ruokamo, erikoistutkija


I study the effects of information-based guidance and electricity prices on the timing of electricity consumption among households.

Erikoistutkija Santtu Karhinen Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta

Santtu Karhinen, erikoistutkija


Kehittämispäällikkö Hanna-Liisa Kangas Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta

Hanna-Liisa Kangas, kehittämispäällikkö


My research work focuses particularly on climate and energy policy in the construction sector and on new technologies.

University of Helsinki

Helsingin yliopiston yliopistotutkija Kaisa Matschoss

Kaisa Matschoss, university researcher
Work package 2 leader


I work as a university researcher at the Centre for Consumer Society Research at the University of Helsinki. At the moment, my research focuses on the effects of the energy transition on the everyday lives of consumers and households. In the past, I have researched social practices to improve and reduce energy use, energy experiments and citizen participation in energy policy.  

University of Turku

Professori Maija Setälä Turun yliopistosta

Maija Setälä, professor
Work package 3 leader


I work as a professor in the subject of political science at the University of Turku. In the FLAIRE project, I coordinate a work package that examines the role of meaningful citizen discussions in energy policy decision-making and their possible effects on public debate.

Erikoistutkija Maija Jäske Turun yliopistosta

Maija Jäske, senior researcher


I work as a senior researcher at the University of Turku. In the FLAIRE project I research the possibilities and effects of meaningful public discussions in energy policy decision-making and public debate.

Erikoistutkija Mikko Leino Turun yliopistosta

Mikko Leino, senior researcher


I work as a senior researcher at the University of Turku in the subject of political science. In the FLAIRE project I am involved in organizing deliberative public discussions on energy policy, and I study the effects of these discussions on participants, the broader public, and decision-making.

Aalto University

Professori Ilkka Keppo Aalto yliopistosta

Ilkka Keppo, professor
Work package 5 leader 


I am a professor of Energy Systems, with a research focus on the development and use of energy system models and so-called Integrated Assessment Models. 

Väitöskirjatutkija Behzad Zamanipour Aalto yliopistosta

Behzad Zamanipour, doctoral researcher


I am a researcher in energy system modeling, focusing on pathways towards sustainable and clean energy systems.

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