Flaire – Fair, flexible and resilient energy system

The Flaire project explores the possibilities and obstacles of demand response solutions in households and municipalities to enhance the flexibility and low carbon footprint of the energy system.

We focus on customer-side demand response solutions, such as reducing overall energy consumption and shifting usage away from peak times or periods of high electricity prices. Flaire assesses the feasibility and fairness of demand response solutions and aims to increase consumer awareness and trust, especially in automated solutions.

Areas of interest include both information-based solutions that rely on consumer activity and smart home energy management systems. The goals of these solutions are to save money for consumers, reduce environmental impact, and maintain the balance and resilience of the energy system.


Project objectives

The project investigates the sociotechnical solutions for energy transition and their prerequisites. The aim is to support a fair and just energy transition. To promote this, new information will be generated about energy poverty and consumer vulnerability, as well as the challenges and potential of demand response.

The project will implement pilot trials of demand response and organize a discussion event for citizens. The project will also create energy management solutions and models of the energy system. Additionally, pathways for a just transition will be developed.

The information and solutions produced by the project will promote consumer participation in demand response. The main goal of the project is to enhance the resilience of the energy system and households, that is, their ability to adapt to the challenges posed by the energy transition.

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