Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
The Flaire project conducts research to improve the understanding of demand-side flexibility solutions and their potential in decarbonizing the Finnish energy system, to ensure a secure and affordable energy supply for all citizens. The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was formed to support the project’s scientific activity and research plan implementation.
The SAB meets twice in the first three-year period, to give constructive feedback on the scientific activities and to encourage the application of new questions and methods that it considers useful in the implementation of research in the project. The research conducted in the project is solution-oriented and multidisciplinary. Members of the SAB comprise of top-level scientists, covering all fields of research in the project, with expertise relevant to achieving project goals.
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Dr. Sarah Darby
University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute
Expertise: Social nature of energy use, home energy feedback and advise, how people interact with technologies
Prof. Mari Martiskainen
Sussex Energy Group, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex
Expertise: social justice aspects of adopting DSM solutions by households
Dr. Bas van Ruijven
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Expertise: integrated assessment and energy system modelling, scenarios to energy transitions, climate change impacts on energy demand
Prof. Emeritus. Rauli Svento
Oulu Business School, University of Oulu
Expertise: Professor of economics, environmental and energy economics
Prof. Tommy Lundgren
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Expertise: Applied policy analysis related to the environment, natural resources, and energy use
Associate Professor Tim Daw
Stockholm Resilience Institute
Expertise: deliberative democracy: the role of deliberation in governing sustainable development