Tieteelliset artikkelit
Heiskanen, Eva, Matschoss, Kaisa, Rinkinen, Jenny & Pyrhönen, Taru (2024) Taking the car out of the countryside: Understanding opposition to climate policy in rural Finland Energy Research & Social Science.
Lukkarinen, J.P.; Das, R.R.; Laakso, S.; Martiskainen M. (2024) Using energy vulnerability framework to understand household agency in sustainability transitions: Experiences from Canada and Finland. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (52(2024)1000892.
Matschoss, K., Laakso, S., & Heiskanen, E. (2024) What can we say about the longer-term impacts of a living lab experiment to save energy at home? Energy Efficiency 17(5), 1-13.
Rinkinen, J., Matschoss, K., & Kajoskoski, T. (2024). Already at the minimum? Narratives of energy use-reduction in Finnish households. Consumption and Society 1-21.
Aghdam, F.H.; Zavodovski, A.; Adetunji, A.; Rasti, M.; Pongracz, E.; Javadi, M.S.; Catalão, J.P.S.; (2024) Co-optimization of Demand Response Aggregators and Distribution System Operator for Resilient Operation Using Machine Learning Based Wind Generation Forecasting: A Bilevel Approach. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Preprint.
Ahonen, J., Leino, M. & Tiihonen, A. (2024). Framing climate policy around energy independence enhances acceptance and perceived effectiveness: Evidence from a Finnish survey experiment. Climate Change.
Zamanipour, B., Keppo, I. (2025). What is important for consumers’ energy-related decisions? A cross-sectoral systematic review and meta-analysis for the Nordic countries. Energy Research & Social Science.
Matschoss, Kaisa, Laakso, Senja & Heiskanen, Eva (2023) What can we say about the longer‑term impacts of a living lab experiment to save energy at home? Conference proceedings: BEHAVE 2023 the 7th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency.
Aghdam, F.H., Zavodovski, A., Adetunji, A., Pongracz, E., Rasti, M. (2024) Resilience-Oriented Operation of Distribution Networks in Presence of Demand Response. International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Energy Transformation, AIE 2024.
Tuomela, S; Juntunen, J. (2024). Collectivist and Individualist End-user Values in the Digital Energy Community Ecosystem. 13th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA).
Tuomela, S; Juntunen, J. (2024). Gendered innovations in home energy management. EASST24, Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations.
Juntunen, J., Shahzad, K., Tuomela, S., Hassan, Y. (2024). Digitally mediated energy communities for the energy transition: An ecosystem perspective. EURAM 2024: Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges. Bath, UK
Tuomela, S., Juntunen, J. (2024). Trust and participation in the energy community. Proceedings of the STS Conference, Graz 2024.
Tuomela, S. (2024). 6G Energy Solutions Enabling Sustainable Society. Invited speaker in The 10th World Energy Congress, November 11.-14. 2024, Singapore.
Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa
Rinkinen, J., Laakso, S. & Matschoss, K. (2024). Oikeudenmukaisuus ja kansalaisten osallisuus energiamurroksessa. Book chapter in: Korhonen, J. (Ed.) Oikeudenmukainen siirtymä Suomessa 2025.
Heiskanen, E., Kousa, I., Matschoss, K. & Pyrhönen, T. (2024). Liikenteen sähköistymisen alueellinen reiluus. Oikeudenmukainen siirtymä Suomessa 2025.
Flaire mediassa
- Jopa 40 prosenttia säästöä sähkölaskussa? Talouselämä selvitti tuntematonta toimialaa, jonka lupaukset ovat huimia. Talouselämä. 12/2024.